Occupational and Physical Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT) services are provided to students under the provision of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Since Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy are Related Services as indicated by California State Education Code, a student may receive OT and/or PT as a part of an IEP. Both the Therapy Specialist and Therapy Assistants may provide student services in the classroom, outside the classroom, and through ongoing collaboration with teachers, staff and other service providers.
School Based Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants in San Diego Unified School District work with educational staff and parents to support students with disabilities, particularly those with movement disorders, to access the school environment and curricula. The main focus is on functional areas including: proper seating and positioning, independent mobility around the classroom and school site, participation in play and leisure activities and preparation for adult life.
Physical Therapy Services
School Based Occupational Therapy
The word "Occupation" denotes a meaningful activity that a person performs in his or her daily life. For school-aged children, one very important role or occupation is that of a student. Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants consider a student's abilities, environmental factors and required tasks when supporting students. Therapy may be provided to support a student's educational goals by facilitating improved performance and/or providing adaptations.
Occupational Therapy Services
Request for OT or PT Services
Referring a child for occupational or physical therapy services is a team decision. The first person that should be contacted when considering the need for occupational and/or physical therapy services for a student is the therapist(s) assigned to the school site. If there are questions or concerns regarding whether or not a student would benefit from a related service, please discuss your concerns with the therapist(s) assigned to the school site.
Contact Information
OT and PT Services
Wiggin Center
4350 Mt. Everest Blvd, Room B-11
San Diego, CA 9211
(858) 573-5971 - Phone
(858) 573-5985 - Fax